On January 13, 2023, a significant milestone in Belizean history was marked with the launch of the “Let Belize Live: Speeches of the Premier” Exhibition. This collaborative effort between the Institute for Social and Cultural Research, the Belize Archives and Records Service, and their partners served as a tribute on George Price Day. The event, held at the George Price Centre for Peace and Development in Belmopan, drew a diverse audience including students, teachers, political figures, and members of the diplomatic community. At the heart of the exhibition are the speeches delivered by Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price during his tenure as Premier of Belize from 1964 to 1981. These speeches encapsulate key moments in Belize’s journey towards independence, showcasing Price’s unwavering commitment to securing the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Integral to the realization of this exhibition were the contributions of various partners. Hon. Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology, played a crucial role, underscoring the government’s support for initiatives to preserve the legacy of Mr. Price. Additionally, students and lecturers from the History Programme at the University of Belize lent their expertise in indexing and transcribing the speeches, ensuring their accessibility to a wider audience. The Belize Archives and Records Service, led by Director Kevin Montero and his dedicated team, spearheaded the digitization of the extensive collection of Premier’s Office records. This meticulous process facilitated the creation of an eBook featuring twelve speeches and an online exhibition hosted on 501 Academy with more than fifty of the speeches, innovatively curated by Carlos Quiroz of the Ministry of Education. In alignment with Premier Price’s commitment to community engagement, a traveling version of the exhibition was conceived. It embarked on a journey across Belize, opening in Punta Gorda Town on Heroes and Benefactors Day, March 11, 2023. Subsequent stops at Ignacio Cacho Library in Dangriga Town, the Museum of Belize in Belize City, and at the Banquitas House of Culture in Orange Walk Town saw the exhibition evolving, with each venue offering a unique feature, including rare photographs and personal relics belonging to Rt. Hon. George Price and the Belize Constitutional Instruments of Independence. Since its launch, the exhibition has left a mark, attracting an estimated 1500 students and citizens in person and reaching a wider audience online. These numbers reflect not only the significance of Price’s legacy but also the public’s hunger for knowledge about Belize’s rich history. Looking ahead, our aspiration is for future generations to appreciate, scrutinize, and emulate the remarkable legacy of Rt. Hon. George Price, Belize’s Father of the Nation and National Hero.

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