Privacy Policy

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected.

Any personal information you provide to us will be retained in accordance with our policy outlined below for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose we collected it for.

This policy regulates what type of information we collect and how, and how it gets stored, used and disclosed. It also explains your obligation around providing information and your rights in relation to your personal information we hold.

This policy has been established in accordance with relevant legislation.

Information collected

We collect the following information through our forms:

  • Your name
  • Your contact details (email address and telephone numbers)

Your obligations

You are expected to provide us with true and accurate information to contact you on any query, registration or event sign up.

Use of personal information

We use your personal information to reply to your queries and provide you with information about NICH and any of our divisions and events within our calendar.

Information storage

When you transmit information to us you do so at your own risk. Once we receive the information, we are required to keep it safe.

We make use of security measures and encryption technologies to protect our systems from data loss and unauthorised access, use, and disclosure of information.

We will keep your personal information and records for as long as is it necessary to achieve the purpose we collected it for, and for the time needed in order to comply with any relevant legislation.


Phishing is an unlawful request to reveal personal or financial information sent generally via email and disguised as it had been sent by a legitimate source.

Please contact us if you require further information about our Privacy Policy.